Dr. Rishi Eye Institute Karnal

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Oculoplasty, is a specialized field within ophthalmology that deals with surgical procedures involving the eyelids, tear ducts, orbit (eye socket), and surrounding structures. Oculoplasty aims to improve both the function and appearance of these areas. Here are some common conditions treated through oculoplasty and their corresponding treatments :

  1. Ptosis (Drooping Eyelids): Ptosis is the drooping of the upper eyelid, which can obstruct vision. Oculoplastic surgeons may perform surgery to tighten the muscles responsible for lifting the eyelid, thus improving vision and appearance.
  2. Entropion and Ectropion: Entropion is when the eyelid turns inward, causing eyelashes to irritate the cornea. Ectropion is when the eyelid turns outward, causing tearing and irritation. Surgical procedures can correct these conditions by adjusting the eyelid’s position.
  3. Blepharoplasty: This procedure involves the removal of excess skin, fat, and muscle from the eyelids to improve the appearance and function of the eyes. Blepharoplasty can be performed for cosmetic reasons or to address functional issues like obstructed vision.
  4. Orbital Fractures: Oculoplastic surgeons can repair fractures of the bones around the eye socket to restore proper eye function and appearance.
  5. Tear Duct Surgery: Surgery can be performed to correct blocked or obstructed tear ducts, improving tear drainage and alleviating tearing and discomfort.
  6. Orbital Tumors and Lesions: Oculoplastic surgeons can remove tumors and growths from the eye socket (orbit) while preserving the eye’s function and appearance.
  7. Eyelid Reconstruction: After trauma, surgery, or cancer removal, oculoplastic surgeons can reconstruct eyelid structures to restore normal appearance and function.
  8. Thyroid Eye Disease (Graves’ Disease): Oculoplastic surgery can be used to manage the effects of thyroid-related eye problems, such as proptosis (bulging eyes) and double vision.
  9. Eyelid Skin Lesions: Removal and biopsy of eyelid skin lesions, such as cysts, moles, and skin cancers, are also part of oculoplastic practice.

Oculoplasty procedures often require a delicate touch due to the proximity of the eye and its delicate structures. Surgeons with specialized training in oculoplastic surgery are well-equipped to address both functional and cosmetic concerns related to the eyes and surrounding areas.

If you have a specific oculoplastic concern or condition, it’s recommended to consult with an oculoplastic surgeon or an ophthalmologist with expertise in this field. They can provide a thorough evaluation and recommend appropriate treatment options tailored to your needs

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